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Lowering Your Utility Bill in Folsom, Ca. Solar Panels Solar Installation Solar Incentives

Installing solar panels on your home will definitely save you money and protect you from increasing utility costs. There are a lot of reasons why homeowners are switching to solar, but improving the environment and reducing electricity costs are the big ones. Many people are aware that solar is a great home efficiency upgrade and are eager to reduce their carbon footprint while also improving their property value.

Did you know there may be thousands of dollars available to you to help lower your utility bill in Folsom, Ca? Reducing your power demand will save you thousands on your Solar system. Before you install solar wouldn’t you like to see if you qualify for these funds?

 Many people don’t know about these local, city, county, state, and utility incentives. Using Energy Conservation Incentive Programs, you will save thousands of dollars! Energy Savings California can help you find these Government and utility incentives.

We have helped hundreds of families reduce their energy wastage using these extraordinary programs. This has saved many local families thousands of dollars before they installed solar.

Reducing your energy wastage before installing solar also means that you will not need to purchase as many solar panels to power your home. We want to help you “Reduce Before You Produce”. Schedule a free home energy audit today!

If you would like more information and to see how we can help you find these programs in your local area call 916 955-3374.

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Contact us today for a home energy audit! (916) 955-3374.