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Choosing New Siding for Your Home in Placerville, Ca.

New Siding can Drastically Improve Your Home’s Outer Appearance

Choosing new siding for your home in Placerville, Ca. can be an exciting process, but here are a few things to consider when making your choice:

Is It Energy Efficient? Check the R-value rating for energy savings and understand what will be required when it comes to the insulation beneath the cladding.

Is It Aesthetically Pleasing to You? Choose styles and colors that you love. You will be viewing your home as you come and go for years to come.


How Durable Is It? Does it have the strength to resist temperature shifts present in your climate? How does it stand up to everyday wear and tear?

Is It Water Resistant? Water-resistant types of siding will have longer life spans.

Is It Versatile? Make sure the siding has the versatility to meet the varied needs of your specific project. If there are aspects of your home's exterior that will make using a particular type of siding more challenging than others, make sure you understand what the added costs or necessary adjustments will be.

Choosing new siding for your home in Placerville, Ca. can be fun and doesn't have to cost a fortune. At Energy Savings California, we lay out all of your options and guide you through the entire process from start to finish. Call us today to schedule a no cost site assessment. (916) 955-3374.


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Call us today for your no cost site assessment! (916) 955-3374