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5 STAR SOLAR REVIEW * PG & E Customer Tammy B. of Folsom, Sacramento, Ca. * Energy Savings California * Quality Solar Installati


Tammy B in Folsom, Sacramento, Ca. gave Energy Savings California a 5 Star Solar Review!


If you need a quality Solar Company in Sacramento Ca. call (888) 972-9444 for Energy Savings California, your expert resource for solar power energy to reduce your bills and your carbon footprint. As the most integrated solar company in the area, we incorporate solar energy into a complete utility solution to give short and long term benefits for you and the planet. Call us to help analyze your move into the future of energy.

Many solar companies will install as many solar panels as they can fit on your roof without regard for your real and ongoing energy needs. Our mission is to help utility customers find sustainable solutions that reduce the demand and cost of expensive grid based power. No matter where you live, the cost of power is going up, and the source of much of that power is already known to harm the environment. Our focus is in understanding where your power is being used and wasted in your home or business, determining the realistic demand and design a solar system to replace your actual consumption. You save both on the usage reduction and source replacement to maximize the return on any investment.

Our residential solar uses high efficiency solar panels mounted on roof friendly mounts to maximize exposure to the sun and run as efficiently as possible. Your system will be designed to offset a calculated amount of your average usage and any periodic overproduction is stored on the grid for later use. Our experts work with you, your Homeowners Association, utility and building department to ensure a smooth, well planned installation.

Home solar power has been page 1 news for a few years now, and many companies have staked their claim on this hot technology. Most of the conversation revolves around panel efficiency, lease options, PPAs or tax leveraged financing. This is like buying a whole new wardrobe just before you go on a diet. Energy Savings California is different. Our approach is to analyze how your power is being used, eliminating the expensive wasted power, and designing a system that fits the new demand. This approach allows us to create a sustainable solution that maximizes your savings.

Ask us about the financing options, tax and utility rebates, as well as the expected return on investment. Many consumers see savings from day one, and those savings keep going up every year that grid based power increases in cost. Everyone’s situation is different, and our free full financial and energy analysis will answer all of your questions. An informed customer is our best advocate, so bring all your doubts and challenges to the table so we can make sure this is the right solution for you.

The best solar panels in the world won’t do a thing for you without the proper roof surface, solar exposure and electrical infrastructure in the home. Many PG&E customers in Sacramento, Ca. can benefit from solar energy by replacing the higher tiers of grid power with sustainable solar power energy and we can help you determine what those savings will look like. In addition to the monthly utility savings, you can also count on a significant property value increase offering reduced utility costs to the next owner of your home.

Cut through the hype and hyperbole you hear from many solar companies. Get a realistic evaluation of your needs and potential solutions with Energy Savings California. Call us at (888) 972-9444 for a no obligation conversation.

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